
Hey friends,  I’m Emily.

I’m a nonprofit leader, writer and advocate; I’m a wife and mom to four beautiful, strange little humans and one ferociously friendly doggo; I’m an introverted, creative type.

I believe in a God who gets involved to show mercy and love in a world that has gone mad, and I believe we should reflect that mercy and love to one another, and sometimes I write about it.

I am an advocate for mental health, suicide prevention, and compassionate immigration reform, and sometimes I write about that.

But sometimes I just write about potty talk and facial hair and travel gone wrong and my unsuccessful attempts to be an organized parent.  Because, why not?

If this sounds interesting, please do subscribe to my blog and let’s be friends.  But only online, because I’m an introvert, remember?!  🙂

You can contact me at mercyinthemadness@gmail.com.

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